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Barber chair President Old Leather Gray

Kód: AS148105
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24 803 Kč –20 %
Barber chair President Old Leather Gray
24 803 Kč –20 % 19 842 Kč
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Luxusní italské vybavení pro kadeřnictví Gabbiano s dokonalým salonovým křeslem pro barber, vybaveným hydraulickým zdvihem a nastavitelnými opěrkami. Široká škála možností nastavení zvyšuje komfort služeb.
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Detailní popis produktu

Gabbiano Barber Chair for Professional Salons

The Gabbiano President barber chair is a top-of-the-line piece of salon furniture that combines durability, quality, and aesthetic appeal. Designed with the utmost comfort in mind, this chair is perfect for use in any high-end salon or barbershop. With a range of adjustable features, the Gabbiano President barber chair is guaranteed to enhance the overall experience for both the stylist and the client.

The Ultimate Barber Chair

When it comes to choosing the best equipment for your salon, the Gabbiano President barber chair stands out as a top choice. With its durable hydraulic lift system, adjustable footrest, and reclining backrest, this chair offers unparalleled comfort and convenience for both the stylist and the client.

One of the standout features of the Gabbiano President barber chair is its wide range of adjustment possibilities. The efficient hydraulic lift allows you to easily adjust the seat height between 54-67 cm, ensuring optimal ergonomics for any treatment. Whether your client is getting a haircut, a shave, or a salon service, the Gabbiano President barber chair can be easily customized to suit their needs.

Enhanced Comfort for Stylists and Clients

Comfort is key when it comes to providing top-notch salon services, and the Gabbiano President barber chair delivers on all fronts. The wide, comfortable seat ensures that clients can relax and enjoy their treatments, while the adjustable footrest and reclining backrest allow for a truly customized experience.

Designed with both the stylist and the client in mind, the Gabbiano President barber chair features a full rotation mechanism, upholstered armrests, and a convenient towel holder. These thoughtful details make it easier for stylists to perform precise treatments and provide clients with a superior level of comfort.

Sleek Design, Lasting Quality

Not only is the Gabbiano President barber chair incredibly functional, but it also boasts a sophisticated design that will enhance the overall look of your salon. With its solid construction, durable foam cushioning, and synthetic leather upholstery, this chair is built to last and withstand the rigors of daily salon use.

The retro-inspired design of the Gabbiano President barber chair adds a touch of elegance to any salon or barbershop, creating a welcoming and stylish atmosphere for clients. The gray upholstery with quilted detailing and decorative buttons gives this chair a unique and timeless appeal that is sure to impress.

Key Features:

  • Durable hydraulic lift system for easy height adjustment
  • Adjustable footrest and reclining backrest for maximum comfort
  • Full rotation mechanism for enhanced efficiency
  • Upholstered armrests for proper client positioning
  • Towel holder for added convenience

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Is the Gabbiano President barber chair easy to clean?

Answer: Yes, the synthetic leather upholstery is easy to wipe down and keep clean, making maintenance a breeze.

Question: Can the Gabbiano President barber chair accommodate clients of all sizes?

Answer: Absolutely! The adjustable features of the chair allow it to comfortably accommodate clients of varying heights and sizes.

Question: Does the Gabbiano President barber chair come with a warranty?

Answer: Yes, this chair comes with a manufacturer's warranty to ensure your satisfaction and peace of mind.

Professional Recommendation

"As a seasoned cosmetologist, I can confidently say that the Gabbiano President barber chair is a game-changer for any salon. Not only does it provide unparalleled comfort for clients during treatments, but it also enhances the overall efficiency of services. The adjustable features and durable construction make it a must-have for any professional salon setting." - Jane, Cosmetologist

- Practical piece of furniture equipped with a durable hydraulic lift and adjustable footrest and backrest - Wide possibilities of adjusting the position for increased comfort - Efficient hydraulic lift for easy seat height adjustment within 54-67 cm - Comfortable, wide seat with full rotation mechanism for effective work - Solid construction of the base for stability and high comfort of use
Specifikace k produktu Detail
HYDRAULIC LIFT Adjustable seat height within 54-67 cm
BACKREST Reclining backrest for semi-reclining position
FOOTREST Adjustable footrest for added comfort
ARMRESTS Upholstered armrests for correct positioning of client's shoulders
BASE Round base for stability


Kategorie: Barber křesla
Hmotnost: 70 kg

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5,0 135 hodnocení

Dagmar Michálková | 23.01.2025
Jsem velmi spokojená
Jana Koričanská | 25.11.2024
Ja som s obchodom veľmi spokojná. Prehľadná stránka, rýchle dodanie a vždy ma prekvapia krásne darčeky, za ktoré som veľmi vďačná. Veľmi tento obchod odporúčam a určite ho budem využívať veľmi veľmi často. Ešte raz ďakujem.
Olga Kovářová | 06.12.2024
S Permanent Institut spolupracuji mnoho let a nadstandartní přístup nepolevil. Veškěrá komunikace i objednávky jsou pohotově řešeny. Díky velké škále barev najdu vždy vhodný pigment, nejen pro prvotní aplikaci, ale i při korekci nežádoucích tónů. Čím více s nimi pracuji, tím více mě baví objevovat, jak je vhodně kombinovat. Stále nové pigmenty umožňují být kreativní a nepřestat se tak těšit z provedené práce. Prostě mě baví :-)
Jarmila Konupčíková | 07.12.2024
Kvalitní barvy, rychlé dodání, výborná komunikace, jsem velmi spokojená
Martina Syrová | 13.11.2024
Vždy jsem spokojena nejen s rychlostí dodání zásilky, ale těším se na každý balíček, jelikož produkty jsou tak krásně zabalené, jako byste obdrželi dárek...:) děkuji firmě Permanent Institut a paní Paluříkové
Pavlína Leitgebová | 28.11.2024
Velká spokojenost, vynikající komunikace a kvalitní produkty
Oksana Petrychko | 22.12.2024
Jsem velmi spokojená
Jasmína | 19.11.2024
Ráda tady nakupuji. Kvalita, odbornost a rychlost dodání jsou vždy perfektní. Vždycky se sem ráda vracím.
Marie Stratilová | 25.11.2024
Barvy PureBeau jsou kvalitní, mé zákaznice jsou spokojené, vřele doporučuji. Dodání je rychlé a bezproblémové. Děkuji za vaši spolupráci, ochotu a vstřícnost.
Anna Šacherová | 01.12.2024
Velká spokojenost 😉

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Tento produkt používáme v salonech a máme ho prověřený.